
Health Tech

AliveCor Isn’t Backing Down from Apple, Its ‘Bully’

AliveCor CEO Priya Abani argues that Apple has made a habit of taking intellectual property from smaller medical device firms in order to improve the functionalities its Apple Watch. She also believes that Apple has been able to avoid taking accountability for this by “bombarding” smaller companies with litigation it knows they won’t be able to afford — a claim that medical IP lawyers have backed up.

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Healthcare startups and the new art of the deal (MedCity CONVERGE)

When that potential first big customer drops in your lap, how do you make the most of it? For an early-stage healthcare company, it’s about balancing the time commitment against the actual ROI, said Jean-Luc Neptune (@jeanlucneptune), executive director at Blueprint Health (@bphealth).  Neptune is one of four speakers who’ll discuss the  challenges of modern […]

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Life is sometimes like HBO’s Silicon Valley (unfortunately)

Hard truth: Even the most promising startups are one calamity away from completely shutting down. Self-inflicted wounds are hard to escape from. But there are increasingly a number of options when a competitor, customer or would-be investor puts a company on the brink.  Lee Ducker, one of the founders of Lake Whillans, sees  the horror […]